Hi All,
Recently I have been seeing too much that reminds me of how I must face death in the not too distant future. Everytime I look at a movie on TV most of the actors that I knew when I was young are dead. I was looking at some pictures that my mother left me when she died and most of the people I see are dead, cousins, uncles, aunts, old JW people that I knew growing up. It keeps reminding me that my time is running out. I can't complain about my life, it has been a great trip and I guess that is why I hate to go.
I know we can only live one day at a time and I enjoy each one, but when I think that maybe in a few years some of my kids will have to care for me it makes me sick. I am 67 and in good shape right now, but in about 10 years will I be able to mow my yard, fix the things that go wrong around the house? The way time flies that is just around the corner. Why do we have to grow old and die like this? It's hard to accept life the way it is, but what choice do we have? None! Maybe I will be like Bob Hope and live to be 100.
Ken P.