What Happened To Miracles??

by Big Jim 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Jim
    Big Jim

    Has anyone ever received a straight answer to this question?

    I am not talking about the miracles you read about in the year book
    about someone getting food when they were hungry are gas in there car.

    What happened to the real miracles? Did they really happen? If so what is the logical reason that they ceased?

    (some quotes on miracles)

    Every memorable act in the history of the world is a triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing great was ever achieved without it because it gives any challenge or any occupation, no mater how frightening or difficult, a new meaning. Without enthusiasm you are doomed to a life of mediocrity but with it you can accomplish miracles.

    In order to be a realist you must believe in miracles.

    Back of every creation, supporting it like an arch, is faith. Enthusiasm is nothing: it comes and goes. But if one believes, then miracles occur.

    Hope is the companion of power, and mother of success; for who so hopes strongly has within him the gift of miracles.

    Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature.

    Miracles happen to those who believe in them. Otherwise why does not the Virgin Mary appear to Lamaists, Mohammedans, or Hindus who have never heard of her?

    The miracles of the church seem to me to rest not so much upon faces or voices or healing power coming suddenly near to us from afar off, but upon our perceptions being made finer, so that for a moment our eyes can see and our ears can hear what is there about us always.

    Don't believe in miracles -- depend on them.

    We can see a thousand miracles around us every day. What is more supernatural than an egg yolk turning into a chicken?

    A miracle is an event which creates faith. That is the purpose and nature of miracles. Frauds deceive. An event which creates faith does not deceive: therefore it is not a fraud, but a miracle.

    The miracles of nature do not seem miracles because they are so common. If no one had ever seen a flower, even a dandelion would be the most startling event in the world.

    I like his holiness very much, particularly since an order, which I understand he has lately given, that no more miracles shall be performed.

    Self-sacrifice is the real miracle out of which all the reported miracles grow.

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