Can We Encourage Governments to Take Action Against Sexual Abusers of Children ?

by smiddy 7 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • smiddy

    How many countries in the world today , are presently , or soon to be , setting up some sort of commission or an inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse by an organization of any sort , religious ,sporting institution cultural .,etc.etc.

    Australia has , England has , and I believe Germany is following suit .

    Are their anymore ? that we can add to the list ?

    Of course these inquirys take time , years in fact , but that should not deter us from forging ahead with this agenda.

    It is the youth of today who get justice and the youth of tomorrow who can be spared this crime .

    And the institutions can modify their policies to bring them up into the 21st Century to protect their young.

    So if the Govt. we are living under has not initiated such an inquiry maybe we should be asking why not ?

    Because it is a worldwide problem , that needs to be stamped out.not tomorrow but NOW.


  • zeb

    Yes yes yes. ask and refer to the ARC and the UK inquiry when you do.

  • StarTrekAngel

    I believe that along with bringing them to justice and change their policies, there should be some form of restrain in the "Freedom of Religion" excuse. It has become norm to claim freedom of religion at some level of every one of these cases in an effort to obfuscate the truth, deny providing evidence or shield someone from responsibility.

  • blondie

    There is a wonderful organization SNAP that has been doing this since before 2002. They are already doing this in many countries. They would appreciate your support.

  • Vidiot

    smiddy - "Can we encourage governments to take action against sexual abusers of children?"

    How else do you think the Aussie Royal Commision got started?


    Wow. Just think, the World Governments were supposed to turn on "False Religion" first! Hmmmm......????


  • zeb

    check posting on 'child abuse' posted today.

  • smiddy

    STA , I agree with you wholeheartedly.

    blondie , thank you for that link ,it seems that child sexual abuse is more deeply entrenched in society far more than I could have imagined.

    Zeb , I`m still looking for that post.?

    Vidiot , I acknowledged Australia has as well as the UK and possibly Germany , I`m just asking if any more countries are willing to go down this path because it`s obviously a worldwide problem .


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