This is from a 2/01 Kingdom Ministry:
The secretary should see that the Regional Building Committee is kept up-to-date on the status of all baptized publishers who have submitted Kingdom Hall Volunteer Worker Questionnaire (S-82) forms. When there are adjustments in a volunteer’s status, such as when one moves or is appointed as a ministerial servant or elder, new forms should be filled out promptly and submitted.
As far as VOLUNTEER “STATUS”, in this REGIONAL BUILDING COMMITTEE, and the KINGDOM HALL VOLUNTEER WORKER QUESTIONAIRE goes, Why would the title “Elder” or “Ministerial Servant” effect ones “satus”? Why would those who now carry those titles have to fill out a NEW FORM PROMPTLY” ?
I can understand ANYONE having to fill out a form form for VOLUNTEER work for a major corporation or religious building, for backgroud checks. And for those who moved, for mailing purposes…. but why would that form change for anyone who was moved up to any level of a prominent positions in the congregation, if it's for volunteer work? Do they get any special priveldges holding titles?
Also, since the “Complete Donation Agreement” came into existence for the organization who has "NEVER CHARGED” for their literature, in trying to evade paying taxes, do those who hold the title of PIONEER get any other privilege in place of the discount that was given to them for the “free” liturature nowadays?
Enquiring minded,