Remember that this is humor. Rape is wrong.
So really, I would rather go to Bill Cosby's home for an evening (and to be fair, even a gay version of Bill Cosby) than go to the Kingdom Hall.
At both, you would know that your hosts would keep the conversation clean. Bill stays on the high road (while speaking). Certainly at the Kingdom Hall, there would be no cursing. So you are likely to get a lecture on refraining from talking dirty at either place. At either place, you will be in the presence of someone who thinks they are experts on parenting and morals. At one place, you would be expected to dress nicely. At the other, you can be casual. Your host is even known for wearing loud sweaters.
Bill would give you a nice relaxing drink. At the Kingdom Hall, there's only a water fountain and people would whisper about you if you went to it more than once. At the Kingdom Hall, there would be pressure to visit again. Bill would understand if you never come back. And if you did come back, maybe Bill would help your career. Coming back to the Kingdom Hall again would only help them, not you. At the Kingdom Hall, even holding hands is discouraged. No such problem at Bill Cosby's home. He will freely offer his hands to you.
You can sleep through the whole thing at Bill's home without anyone nudging you or constantly saying "Stay awake." The "conversation" at the Kingdom Hall would probably be about depressing things such as the end of the world and how Satan controls everything. Bill is liable to entertain you with the simple saying- "Netflix and chill."
When the evening winds down at the Kingdom Hall, that's it. You can either clean the bathroom or just leave. At Bill's, you will probably get a pudding pop and he will certainly arrange for a ride home if you are groggy.
At one place, they attempt to steal your whole life away from you and damage you deeply. At the other, you might get damaged deeply if you can remember anything, but your host will only steal a few hours, maybe try it again on another night, then get bored with you and let you go. What happened at the one place- it may take decades but people will eventually believe that you were violated. At the other, people will defend the host to the death and outsiders still don't understand much at all about how anything wrong is happening.
I know that people shouldn't trick other people into doing things they wouldn't do. Whether you are physically assaulted or mentally assaulted, you will learn that you went into a male-oriented culture that just doesn't give a damn about you.