The World's First Website

by cofty 6 Replies latest social current

  • cofty

    25 years ago this week Tim Berners-Lee turned on the first ever website on the world wide web. Basically it was a self-help guide to joining the web...

    The first search engine Alibweb was launched in '94 and it still functions today.

    4 billion web pages later it could be said the project was a success.

    You can read more about the early days here...

  • Diogenesister
    Thank you cofty this will be my family 'study'for today!My boys have also enjoyed the twelve evolution video's for Xmas too BTW. The kids of xtian parents have been turning up the heat on my 10 yr olds for the last couple of their school carol service when my son called prayer books useless one of the kids said he would go to hell..whereby my son asked if it was reasonable to punish a kid forever because its parents did not believe "the right" religion. Good lad.
  • cofty
    my son asked if it was reasonable to punish a kid forever because its parents did not believe "the right" religion


  • Oubliette
    The Information Age is certainly something to celebrate!
  • Heaven

    Wait just a second... you mean the first website wasn't Al Gore's?

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007
    Remember dial up and games on cassette that took 30 minutes to load and porno sooo much porno at the click of a mouse....thank you for the porno Im sooo grateful technology!! PORN as far as the eye can see....I feel like the kid in Willy wonka. What a wonderful world.
  • Xanthippe
    I see Amnesty International was one of the first organisations to have a site.

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