Let's face it when we find ourselfs in a tight corner, if we can be quick witted, and come up with a quick as a flash " quick witted" reply, we can defuse a controversial and embarrassing situation instantly. For example Oscar Wilds wit is legendary and these comments could defuse any situation:-
" I dislike arguments of any kind. They are always vulgar and often convincing"
" if one tells the truth, one is sure, sooner or later to be found out"
However, quick witted comments can have the reverse effect. For example imagine if I replied to a woman posters serious comments " women are meant to be loved not understood " I think that would get me a multitude of red tweets Don't you?
So what is my point? Well I love and admire quick witted replys, but on a discussion forum we have the opportunity, to not be so quick witted, we can consider our audience, before we post.
Why do I bring this up? Well I noted my O.P " Lennon and McCartney could so easily have been writing for the Watchtower " got two red tweets. . My tongue in cheek humor was therefore not appreciated. Did this make the O.P a flop? Well it made me smile, but my comments were not delicate enough to be appreciated by my entire audience. That was eye opening to me. The lesson I learnt was know your audience before posting.
So- here is my suggestion for this O.P, let's have laughter, it's one of the few good things in this gloomy world, it's the thing that keeps us zane. But real humor is a serious matter, it doesn't go for the cheap laugh and it doesn't offend.
The Rebel humor.
When I see a girl for the first time, what do I look at first?
A) Her eyes
B) Her hair
C) Her teeth
Answer: her husband.
How many positions do I know?
a) 1
B) 69
Answer:- 1 & 69.
Ok possibly humor will always offend some people, but then again so does religion. So let's let this thread be full of your humor, and hope it doesn't offend too many :-)
The Rebel.