Another Police Shooting

by silentbuddha 6 Replies latest social current

  • silentbuddha

    Another police shooting of an unarmed man. This time a health aid shot whike helping a patient. These guys need some training.

  • Simon

    Terrible that a police officer shot someone in such a situation when it appears to be completely unjustified.

    Also, he only hit the guy once - either he's the worse shot ever or he fired accidentally, either way he wasn't in control of his weapon with the skill that should be necessary to be given a weapon.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    MRW I read this this morning:

  • DesirousOfChange

    Another stupid cop.

    Another innocent victim.

    What repercussions will the cop face? Likely, paid administrative leave (vacation, or holiday for you guys across the pond) until it quiets down.

    BTW -- Why did he shoot? "He felt threatened." Automatic "canned" response provided by the lawyers.

    And you guys wonder why there is so little respect for cops here.

    Image result for barney fife


  • silentbuddha

    Its ok there has been a news release that says the officer was trying to shoot the autistic man not the black therapist but unfortunately the bullet hit the black guy.

  • Simon

    The more I read it, the more it sounds like he discharged his weapon accidentally and then panicked. Sadly, as tensions rise, such thing will probably become more likely and frequent, not less.

  • smiddy

    Looking at the video , the guy that was shot was lying on his back with his hands in the air saying please don`t shoot officer , and identifying who he was , and then HE was shot.

    The autistic guy was just sitting their posing no threat to anybody at all , so why was the police officers firearm even drawn let alone fired at an unarmed black man lying on the ground with his arms in the air.

    Neither of these two people were a threat to anybody , this incident was such an over-reaction that should never have happened.

    Having said that , I can understand the fear /concern police officers have for their own safety in view of recent events .However they must err on the safety of the people who they have sworn to protect , the public.


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