I post here a lot but online on other sites not much at all. I have posted over the last two years or so comments on YouTube. Usually a comment or a question concerning something I watched. I do not have a website a blog or any YouTube videos and I figures my total posts are less then 50 probably closer to 25. So yesterday I reviewed my Google plus account for some reason and noticed over 18k views of my comments. These numbers are huge for little old me. I have commented some what on apostate videos but most comments are related to video about ancient religions, Egyptalogy, and archeology.
So if I can make just a few comments and get this number of views imagine what the JW's could get if each one went on the Internet and made comments about thier faith and thier version of the good news. The fact that they don't and are encouraged not to by the Borg is immense proof that they are a fraud and know it. It's also gives me great hope that if we as apostates post on line and make comments exposing the Borg for what it is and post what we know on every type of related site or video there's no chance for these guys. They will slowly dry up and die and that's a great thing. The Internet possibly the greatest invention by man ever because of the knowledge that is at ones fingertips.