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Do you have a favorite picture?
by Iamallcool 9 Replies latest jw friends
This is Hagar by the Scottish painter Andrew Geddes.
I first saw it hanging in the National Gallery in Edinburgh many years ago when I was still a JW. I had heard the story many times but never stopped to see it from Hagar's perspective. This work stopped me in my tracks. Look in her eyes and tell me you can still view Abraham as a model of faith.
I bought a postcard of it from the gallery shop and stuck it on my desk from then until long after I left the cult. It would be a gross exaggeration to say I was awakened by a painting but it definitely affected me.
Thank you for sharing the pictures with us!
This pic is close to my heart coz it touches me in so many ways.First off when I became pomo it says to me that my world as I see it from then on (me sitting on the bench looking out at the world) was blank,pure n white like a painters easel.Then on whatever I do, say and see should be my own colors and paints on my world not even a spot of anything to do with the jdumb mentality. This helped me remain positive.
Well it would be of a nude woman - or a 1000 of nude women.
But either Starry Night, or I could go with The Pale Blue Dot thats already above.
Fragonard: Girl on a swing.
This paperback illustration inspires me...
I do like some of the old New English Library book covers.
“Daybreak” by the great Art Deco master Maxfield Parrish.
Always fantasizing about bygone days of pre-industrial innocence. Love that guy.