Some points for awakening JW's to consider in 2020:
"Joining a Cult: Religious Choice or Psychological Aberration" by Dena S. Davis.
Some of the following characteristics are listed:
- Authoritarian ruler. The self-appointed rulers of cults [G.B.) have complete and final say. They are usually considered charismatic and charming. They are adored by their followers and are often considered more than human. [immortal joint king/priests of the universe in waiting!]
- The identity of the community becomes communal and totalistic. Everyone involved relies on each other and the group's ["the organisation's"] wants and needs become the core identity for each follower.
- Aggressive campaigns and conversion efforts are enforced by the authority figures. For most, the fear of heaven and hell [paradise/great tribulation/armageddon/gehenna] prompts members to reach out, but authority figures may also rely on social issues. [shunning by friends & family]
- In order to be initiated into the group, there will be an enforced and systematic indoctrination. There are usually several practices or ceremonies new followers must complete to secure their place among the group. [regular field service, baptism, constant meeting/assembly/convention attendance]