How could any true Beliver question Bethel with respect to this U.n Rigamarole. IT'S VERY CLEAR TO THE FAITHFUL THAT THIS WHLOE ISSUE IS A RED HERRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would suggest to our detractors that they rather give heed to those sick & in need who have fallen by the wayside.
What Hooey!!!!!!!!!!
by warrior 8 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Aren't you the one who wrote:
Let us remain 100% LOYAL TO THE CONSECRATED MEN & WOMEN OF BETHEL!!!!!!! Idle questionings only serve to UNDERMINE RIGHTEOUSNESS!!!!!!!!!
in another thread?
I pity your innocence...
refiners fire
..."I would suggest to our detractors that they rather give heed to those sick & in need who have fallen by the wayside."...
What do you think we are doing already?
Awww c'mon Doug. You should know better.
I looked up "rigamarole" to see if it was an Italian pasta dish. Alas, no it wasn't about tomato sauce and al dente pasta, but instead:
"Confused, rambling or incoherent discourse; nonsense." or "A complicated, petty set of procedures."'
Then I read your last sentence:
I would suggest to our detractors that they rather give heed to those sick & in need who have fallen by the wayside.
Huh? What rigamarole. How do you know that JW detractors don't give to those "sick and in need"? Do JW's have any hospitals or orphanages for the sick or needy? What kind of foodshelf program have they established?
Read the following link and see who's full of "hooey" as you say:
The author of this site includes a list of 33 references to show that the criticism of the Watchtower's involvement with the UN is valid.
The only "hooey" here comes from the WT Society, which once taught that the UN was a Satanic mockery of God's Kingdom. Now they are falling all over themselves to publicize the "beneficial" activities of this "fine" organization.
Why the change?
Of course it is! Unfortunately the wild beast of the UN seems to have fabricated several documents making it appear that the Watchtower Society deliberately and consciously sought association with their organization. See the link below where those liars at the UN make it look like the Administrative Center for Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia were involved in a petition (along with the Church of Scientology) protesting the reduction of intervention time. Obviously that can't be true if the WTS were only interested in a library card, right?
I would suggest to our detractors that they rather give heed to those sick & in need who have fallen by the wayside
Does this mean if I don't I will be df'd?
Just one word sums up the Society and the UN involvement.
One entry found for hypocrite.
Main Entry: hyp·o·crite
Pronunciation: 'hi-p&-"krit
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English ypocrite, from Old French, from Late Latin hypocrita, from Greek hypokritEs actor, hypocrite, from hypokrinesthai
Date: 13th century
: a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion
- hypocrite adjective -
How could any true Beliver question Bethel with respect to this U.n Rigamarole. IT'S VERY CLEAR TO THE FAITHFUL THAT THIS WHLOE ISSUE IS A RED HERRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would suggest to our detractors that they rather give heed to those sick & in need who have fallen by the wayside.
"The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction. And when they see how the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present, those who dwell on the earth will wonder admiringly, but their names have not been written upon the scroll of life from the foundation of the world." Revelation 17:8 NWT
"We cannot but admire the high principles embodied in the proposed League of Nations, formulated undoubtedly by those who have no knowledge of the great plan of God. This fact makes all the more wonderful the ideals which they express. Watchtower February 15, 1919 p. 51
The "mark" of the beast would identify the one having it as belonging to that "wild beast," giving it full support. Ellicott's Bible Commentary notes that the mark 'surely means the acquiescence to the principals of this tyrannical world-power.' Watchtower October 15, 1976 p. 632
a) The NGO must support and respect the principles of the Charter of the United Nations;
Warrior, dear, it's not a red herring if the WTS wasn't really a member, and hadn't tried to deny it until it was made public.
Or, would you rather more focus be given on the harboring of pedophiles within the organisation?
Or, would you rather they explain why "brothers" in Mexico were allowed to bribe officials, while "brothers" in Malawi were told they had to withstand beatings and other atrocities to show their loyalty to Jah?
Or, would you rather explain why "new light" is constantly being used as an excuse to change previous incorrect predictions?
Or, would you rather explain why the rules change so much (i.e., organ transplants are cannibalism oooops, no they aren't)
Or, are you so blinded and misguided that no matter how much proof you are given you will refuse to face the reality that the WTS is a hypocritical, lying, blood guilty cult?
Just wondering.