Anointed rule as soon as they get to heaven. Is this another flip flop ?

by wannaexit 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wannaexit
    I remember hearing that the anointed that died would start ruling at the start of the thousand year reign. Now it seems they are teaching that these deluded bozos that die get to rule right now in heaven. When did this teaching change?
  • skin
    Wasn't it since the kingdoms birth in 1914 that these one go to heaven?
  • shepherdless
    I apologize if this is a silly question, but did the 1000 year reign start in 1914, or does it only start at Armageddon?
  • prologos

    I recall, and we have to wait for blondie's confirmation, that the heavens (for heavens's sake) were only cleansed by 1918, and it is into these spanking clean spaces that the heavenly resurrection proceeded. The resurrected anointed are training, participating in the kingdom work, and of course preparing for combat at Armageddon,- slated to happen not later than 2075., according to the "double Franz" overlap.

    I apologize if this is a silly question, but did the 1000 year reign start in 1914, or does it only start at Armageddon?

    Not silly at all, because the 1914 kingdom, invisibly, is a pure wt invention, a rogue kingdom that is not the theme of the Lord's Prayer,

  • DesirousOfChange

    Worry not. It will change again. New Lite.


  • wallsofjericho

    I don't believe this is new.

    Even the Rev Climax book talked about the John class participating in events taking place currently

    There have been other WT articles illuding to this also

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