Just heard on NPR that Fresh Air will feature a former JW.
Fresh Air on NPR interviews former JW - June 24th, 2019- 2pm EST
by Quandary 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes 2:00 PM Eastern Time.
This is exciting. I know several JW's who listen faithfully to Terry Gross/Fresh Air.
Wondering if any points will land.
Just finished listening to the interview with Amber Scorah. Outstanding! She does a thorough job of logically and coherently explaining the odd beliefs of the JWs without bitterness or vindictiveness. -
I was on the road and listening tonight and the reception cut out. Couldn't find another NPR station. I hope it is available recorded.
What I heard was very good. She politely adjusted the interviewer's questions and statements to more accurately reflect a jw experience. I am looking forward to hearing the rest. She talks in a way that jws and ex-jws will find it closer to their jw experience than other ex-jw writings I have read. I see how this can have a favorable influence on non-jws keeping to the relevant info a non-jw can identify with, not having to have been a jw themselves.
She talks in a way that jws and ex-jws will find it closer to their jw experience than other ex-jw writings I have read.
Very accurate summation!
Thanks. Downloaded the podcast and will listen tomorrow