Yesterday a friend invited me to a barbecue . Late in the evening for some reason a guy with tattoos all over his arms, who I didn't know shouted out " I hate Jehovers Witnesses". Anyway I noted a sudden quietness in the group, but basically the entire comment passed me by. Infact this morning I had entirely forgotten the comment. That was until the door bell rings as i am preparing my late breakfast. I open the door and the guy with tattoos all down his arms says " sorry about my comment yesterday, I didn't know you were one of them, but your one of the good guys"
Anyway I was impressed by his humility and kindness to apologise. I mean this guy would even if I wasnt an ex-witness I believe have apologized. Infact he didn't before yesterday know me from Adam, yet he makes the time and effort to find where I live and apologise to me for a comment that didn't even offend.
The Rebel.