Our life's are important, and maybe for many this board represents a first in a very important step to beginning a new life? What is that new life? It should be a life where we fulfill our wishes, not an organizations wishes, not our parents wishes and not our friends wishes. But our wishes. Maybe for many our wish is still a mystery, but finding that wish, is the highest form of achievement we can give our life. For many particularly the young, this may require rebelling against our parents, not an easy thing to do particularly if we love our parents and they love us.
When we we are at the early stages of our "new life" the days seem short and dark, but the days will slowly get longer and brighter once we find what we really wish to do with our life's. Maybe that should be our first step in our plans to leave the Watchtower.
So do not leave the Watchtower if you only have a poor quality of life outside the organization, remain with dignity, don't be intimidated by their authorative voice, and plan a future where you are fulfilling your own wishes. Remember our life is for our enjoyment, and it should never be given to a heartless organizations, nor even well wishing parents. HOWEVER, neither hould our rebellion from the Watchtower leave us friendless and alone.
I wish everyone good luck in connecting with themselves, and successfully finding their new life.