I love old family films and videos! The videos you take today will be treasure family heirlooms one day when you're long gone and your kids look through them.
After my folks were gone, my sister and I shared the cost of having all of their videos transferred to DVD. The original VHS tapes are pretty fragile, so it's probably not a good idea to play them very much. But the digital copies on computer and DVD make it very easy to watch them anytime and anywhere and share them with other family members too. I'm in the process of putting them in order, editing out the bad spots, and making an index to the major scenes so we can find exactly the one we want without a bunch of searching back and forth. As each one is done, I post it as Unlisted on YouTube and then share the link with whoever I think might be interested. It's a great way to share family videos and pics without having to burn DVDs and mail them out.
I'm doing the same with all my folks' 8 mm films. I transferred those myself by taping them on Hi8 as they were being projected into a small device with mirrors made specifically for this. Then I converted the Hi8 tape to digital using an adapter and software from Elgato. Now I'm using iMovie for editing and enhancements before burning to DVD or sharing on Facebook. It takes some time, but it's well worth it and lots of fun to do. I've already found lots of family gold in scenes I never knew existed.