Hi All,
Long time no chat.
Was there some sort of change recently in the guidelines Cult HQ lays out on how to handle inactive apostates?
A week ago my wife and I, again, ran into a woman who I see about once a month at the grocery store. As recently as last month this person stood directly behind me in the checkout line and refused to even look in my direction. She actually stood sideways and stared at the ground the whole time we were in line. Two days ago, three weeks post-convention, this same person put her hands of my wife, called her by name and asked her how she was doing, what was going on in our lives and my wife had no idea who she was lol. I am not DF'd, I am well known to be an apostate by anyone paying attention and don't deny it. Soooo yea. This week when my wife asked who she was she replied "Im your sister" yea... as if lady.
Anyway, similar encounters took place at Walmart a this week. In one instance an elder who works there and was coming out of the store as I went in walked across two rows of cars to sayd "hi, how are ya, nice to see ya" in the past he has gone to such great length to avoid me in teh store I actually considered complaining to his boss when he refused to help me.
My parents tried to start a study with me the week after they came back too.
WTF are they upto folks?