In this latest magazine is another mixed message to JWs. I don't know how they can keep up with it all.
This is the whole paragraph, italics and bolding are mine -
10 Be patient. When we conform our life to God’s standards, our relatives may find it difficult to adjust to our new beliefs and lifestyle. Often, the first thing they notice is that we no longer join with them in celebrating religious festivals and no longer engage in political activities. Some relatives might initially be angry with us. (Matt. 10:35, 36) But we should not give up on them. If we stop trying to help them understand our beliefs, we have, in effect, judged them as being unworthy of gaining everlasting life. Jehovah has not given us the job of judging—he has assigned that task to Jesus. (John 5:22) If we are patient, our relatives may eventually be willing to listen to our message.—See the box “Use Our Website to Teach.”
This means that we should zealously look for all those who are “rightly disposed for everlasting life” and help them to start serving Jehovah.—Read Acts 13:44-48.
- ws18 October pp. 9-15 - The Watchtower (Simplified)—2018
Our goal is to make disciples of people who are honest, humble, and spiritually hungry—people who are “rightly disposed for everlasting life.”—Acts 13:48; Matt. 28:19, 20. w18 October Study Edition
Sorry, I had a posting issue and the last two quotes are quotes from a previous magazine and excuses that JWs will sometimes give for not discussing bible doctrine with ex JWs or some others. They will stop a conversation by claiming the individual is not 'rightly disposed' or has ulterior motives or only want to argue. Some will even go as far as judging a person by saying they do not want to 'throw pearls before swine'.