In next weeks Bible study session for the cult, it says of a March 15, 1926 Watchtower, “The faithful will be volunteers . . . to tell this message to the people.” So I got to wondering what the ... was all about. So I happened to have that Watchtower, and this is what it actually says.
“The faithful will be volunteers in the day of God's wrath to tell this message to the people.”
So it's really simple, why not just print the whole quote? I think it's because it doesn't go along with their present beliefs that JW's won't be preaching during God's wrath. But why not just print it anyways? After all, hasn't the truth gotten brighter and brighter? Cause they don't want to stumble anyone? It's really dishonesty to me. Just tell it the way it is, but then again they are never transparent, so why should it ever surprise us, right?