I find it funny that our watchtower today was about encouragement, which was absolutly mind numbing during the meeting the way they conduct the watchtower in my hall and beat a dead horse trying to milk points out, (everyone was half asleep and the conductor had to repeat questions to the audience multiple times LOL). But anyways, I’m seeing some post witnesses are making about the convention saying things like, I really need to get my act together and we need to make adjustments. Wow! I never seen this people say this after an assembly or convention before. Of course, all these programs always tell people they aren’t doing something right, it’s never enough, “Jehovah” needs more more more from you. The org is also defenitly trying to make people more homophobic, every year they have to squeeze something in there about us resisting the urge to be accepting and tolerant, 🙄. No, it’s not just good enough for us not to practice homosexuality, we also need to be very visibly uncomfortable and icky in front of people who even support it. But anyways, how ironic though, it doesn’t sound so encouraging to me. I’m so nervous for going next week, I don’t know how I’m going to keep a straight face, or try not to laugh, or frown during the absurd videos, especially the last one. Wish me luck
Seeing convention post on Instagram
by Addison0998 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Ah man...that sounds so painful.
Good luck buddy! Keep your dignity and calmness...
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@stuckinarut2: Good luck buddy!"
Addison's a girl, lol.
Sorry Addison!
ah well, you know what I mean.
If they are not HERE (JWN) already, expect them soon!
I really need to get my act together and we need
to make adjustments. Wow! I never seen this people
say this after an assembly or convention before.
LOL, you're young.
After EVERY assembly, you can count on 3 things:
-- People will say, "I've really got to get my act together and do XYZ..."
-- People will say "That was the BEST convention we've EVER had..."
-- Less than a week after the convention, things are right back to where they were. No one remembers ANYTHING about it.