This is an amazing video presentation delivered by a competent speaker.
Steps to Freedom From the Cult.
by Vanderhoven7 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Starting at 15:45 a key point is made. There are people who never progress beyond being a former JW. I do take some issue with his suggesting that those who conclude that deities are imaginary have swung to some extreme, but his overall thesis is constructive.
Oh thank you Vandy This came up on my you tube feed a few days ago and I was absolutely blown away.
I'm not averse to watching 75 minute videos but if I'm going to invest that time a short summation or a few key bullet points by the topic creator would be appreciated.
I just want to know that I'm not wasting my time on another exjw outreach encouraging me not to throw baby Jesus out with the bath-water.
Amen brother! Living a free and productive life after leaving is the only way to go!
just saying!
Well, the balance trick is silly, the magnet salesman at the mall does the same thing. If he believes it, he's not a applying critical thinking. But again the general idea to rebuild a life and let go of negative feelings is good advice.