Ten years ago - Our congregation held a leaving party for us

by truthseeker 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Ten years ago, Truthseeker and his family and other witnesses who were moving to different congregations were given a congregation leaving party at a community hall in New Jersey.

    I had been planning my slow fade from the congregation for a while. I grew up in the south coast of England as a third generation JW and moved to America in July 2001.

    I had doubts as early as 2000 when I first stumbled on this forum. Before that I was a member of Witnesses.net and Hourglass2 outpost. I had doubts but hoped that reform and change would make the Society a better organization but as the years went by I realized I was in a cult.

    I moved to a congregation in Northern New Jersey which was also the home of many Bethelites. The congregation liked me at first and I felt I had potential but deep down I could not bring myself to stay in this religion any longer.

    I could not imagine my daughters leading the king of soul destroying life that I had lived growing up as a witness. So I formulated a plan to leave.

    My congregation happened to have an elder and his family who were moving to a nearby hall and a young brother was moving to another congregation. I figured now was the time to also “move” and told the elders we’d be moving. The distraction of so many movers might take their eye of us as our attendance was weak. The elders decided to organize a congregation get together for those who were moving to new congregations.

    I didn’t feel comfortable at this event for obvious reasons but what made it worse is the elders gave all the leavers a microphone and asked us to tell everyone where we were moving to. This was exactly the sort of aftention I didn’t want. When my turn came I just told them what they wanted to here. It would be the last time I saw these ppl until the Memorial of 2009.

    In the ten years I have been out I have learned so much. I am currently writing a JW book which I have been meaning to write for years.


  • scratchme1010

    Please let us know when your book is ready to be read.

  • Dunedain

    Good for you, in getting your family safely out of the Cult. Its crazy the things some need to do, to just try and separate themselves from this organization, and the pushy elders and higher ups.

    I do have to say, i laughed out loud a bit, when you said how at the "moving party" the microphone made it to you, and you had to address everyone, and tell them where you were "moving" lol. You must have been like a deer in the headlights, lol.

    It never fails when you are trying to remain in the shadows, and then the spotlight gets shined right on you, lol.

  • RolRod

    I was in Northern New Jersey too. With lots of Bethelites. I stepped down and walked out and never returned, that was 30 years ago.

    I don't regret it!

  • truthseeker

    scratchme, yes, I will!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Writing about it was so therapeutic to me. Thanks for sharing. I hope to read your book.

  • truthseeker

    This is all I can share for the moment...

    Baptism Talk, Saturday 22nd April 1995

    Hays Bridge Assembly Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Surrey, UK

    “Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization?”

    “Yes,” I answered in a barely audible voice. I didn’t understand the ramifications of this question until years later. I was 18 years old and one of only two brothers out of a dozen or so baptismal candidates in an audience of 2,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses. It was nerve racking to say the least. This was supposed to be the happiest day of my life but I felt the exact opposite. After I got dunked like a McVities Digestive I was just glad it was all over. An elder who had previously studied with me gave me a last minute invite to a baptism party he was hosting for some of the candidates in our congregation.

    The year was 1995 – Britpop was in full swing and Blur and Oasis were battling it out in the charts. Nick Leeson had destroyed Barings Bank and John Major resigned as leader of the Conservative party only to be re-elected a few weeks later. It was also a record breaking year in terms of the number of baptisms for my congregation, located between Chichester and Brighton. Of the six who were baptized that day, including myself, four of us have left the organization. That’s a retention rate of 33%!

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