The "Faulty weights, scales and measurements" of the Governing Body!

by stuckinarut2 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stuckinarut2

    While chatting with forum friends the other day, we recognised the way that the GB have so cleverly set a faulty benchmark. Yes, a faulty set of scales or weights for all witnesses!

    Two scriptures can even apply:

    Proverbs 11:1 "The LORD detests the use of dishonest scales, but he delights in accurate weights"

    Proverbs 20:23 "The LORD detests double standards; he is not pleased by dishonest scales."

    So just think about it. EVERYTHING that witnesses do. EVERY decision they make, EVERY choice they make, EVERY perspective on life etc is made using the "weights" or "measurements" of the Governing Body!

    It could be likened to having a measuring tape that shows 1 meter in length. Then using that measurement, a whole building is constructed.

    BUT, what if it is discovered AFTER completing the building that the measuring tape was only 90 cm, and NOT 1 meter in length?

    Or what if the weights used on a scale were NOT the indicated 1 kg, but actually only 900grams??

    The GB and WT Society have effectively done this to every JWs life! They have used inaccurate and distorted measurements that have adversely affected the lives of millions!


  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho

    Yes. YES. I got chills down my spine thinking about how frantically I tried when showing my father what a real "100 cm ruler" looked like... And to verify if it was truly one metre, he pulled out the faulty 90 cm one of the "Society" to hold up against it, deeming MINE as inaccurate!

    As Bart Thompson, former District Overseer once said, "If the Society told me that this book is black instead of green, I would say, 'Y'know, I could have sworn that it was green, but if the Society says it's black, then it's black!'"

    In Watchtower's world, what's good is bad, what's wrong is right, what's up is down and what's black is... well, green. When truth is blurred by lies and misinformation, perception becomes reality and all sense is lost. All that's left is the thick sediment of delusion which cannot be penetrated by facts.

    As a Witness, my life was a hallucination. I may as well have been living in a fun house with warped walls and distorted mirrors. Until we can get our loved ones to fearlessly confront themselves in front of an non-corrupted mirror, they're going to keep juggling theocratic nonsense in the WT circus, believing that it is OUR behavior which is abnormal.

  • DesirousOfChange

    In Watchtower's world, what's good is bad, what's wrong is right, what's up is down. . . ~ WMUBY Jo Ho

    Hopefully we could add Isaiah 5:20 to the scriptural references?

    "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter."

    We may very well be witnessing the "WOE" coming to fulfillment for WT! (Let us pray. . . . . )

  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho

    @DesirousOfChange It's poetic irony, isn't it? I think @OneEyedJoe summed it up yesterday when he delivered this grand-slam comment:

    "It's all very Orweilian. Every word is redefined to be it's opposite:

    The masters are the 'slave' (FDS).

    Being 'spiritual' means giving materially and with physical acts of devotion.

    Kicking someone out on the street and thinking of them as if they have been killed by god is a 'loving arrangement'.

    'The truth' is all lies.

    'The truth will set you free' - it frees you from being able to do whatever you want and live with the consequences...

    It's not brainwashing, it's having your mind cleansed of impure thought

    And now, it's not a genuine desire to share happy family traditions and give generously, it's bullying."

  • humbled

    @ wake up

    As Bart Thompson, former District Overseer once said, "If the Society told me that this book is black instead of green, I would say, 'Y'know, I could have sworn that it was green, but if the Society says it's black, then it's black!'"

    When I left the organization it was when I heard myself telling PO and a brother that I used to respect:

    “Listen when you guys came to my door you opened the Bible and asked me to read a scripture then asked me what it said (you remember how that went—it always was a scripture they used to divide you from the mainline) Then you asked me ‘do you need a minister to tell you what this means or can you understand it for yourself?’ But now you are not letting me think. YOU are telling me what to think.”

    l was gone a short while later

  • Chook

    Could you imagine living in world judged by our elder princes basking in their self proclaimed glory with WT corporation scales rendering judgements toward teens having oral sex , then in their deluded minds calling the she bears to consume these teens for such treacherous behaviour. Lot will have his tent with his daughters , won’t it be a lovely environment. Remember Tony Morris will out rank Lot and Noah with his celestial powers from heaven . I would rather face the fires of hell than be governed by anything that began with the infamous wheat salesman, To hell with their panda paradise.

  • stuckinarut2

    Great comments everyone! Thank you for weighing in.

    It really amazes me just how the average witness does not see how controlled they are by the GB!

  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho

    @stuckinarut2 "Thank you for weighing in."

    Faulty scales...


  • stuckinarut2

    Haha @wake me! You got the pun...

    Did it measure up though?😜

  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho

    Ja, totally lightened up this thread.

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