One of my very few jw friend rings ( he knows I’m an apostate ) and has chat about life, then he said I would be sad to here that his son has been DF , my response was it’s the best news I’ve heard all day. His family are first generation Jw of about 30 years in org. But the scales are falling as we speak, I use my most genuine persuasive arguments over months, his wife loved CoConscience. I asked him did he think his son was repentant to which he replied yes.
Then I reasoned that three window cleaners directed by god said otherwise and now your son has to endure a shaming process which will reflect how Jesus would have treated him. This young man who just got kicked out of cong was the only one regularly attending the meetings. I’m no prophet but I think I see a vision of another jw family not wanting to partake at the jw alter.
Im trying to get the family to see the treatment of son by other JWs will not reflect the spirit of Christianity. But the cognitive dissonance is still there . I hope they gather enough courage to hate this church.