Don Rickles Dead at 90

by minimus 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Another old time comic gone. I recently saw him on an old Johnny Carson show. Rest In Peace!

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    He was one of the greats. I loved the guy.

  • Hairtrigger

    The great Rickles

    Comic,Actor and personality extraordinare.

    Will be missed.Inimitably missed!


  • StephaneLaliberte

    Wow, he had as much energy as Robin Williams!

  • blondie

    He managed to handle the art of the insult

  • minimus

    Insult a person and make them laugh!

  • flipper

    Rest in Peace Don- one of the greats indeed ! Funny as hell. I loved it when he was on the Johnny Carson show- probably one of the few comedians with a quicker wit and humor than Carson. He would put Johnny through his paces on that show- then Carson couldn't stop laughing . Incredible talent. We need more like him these days. I put Rickles in the same league as Sam Kinison & Rodney Dangerfield as comedians. Priceless

  • ShirleyW

    what Flipper said, except for Kinison,he was funny, but not in Rickles territory - in my opinion of course.

    Someone above mentions he has as much energy as Robin WIlliams, energy yes, but you can't say the two of them are alike in any way, Rickles was a natural, Williams was just acting that way to so folks would pay more attention to him, it was his ego, same with Jim Carrey, both of them not funny, and nowhere near Rickles, a natural, funny comedic legend.

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