1) what is the “True Religion‘s” definition of a prophet?
Bf: By way of example, wt writers gave a definition of the "false Prophet" of revelation to be: The Anglo-American world power.
2) --?? wt's answer to that one: --- the abyss, the lake of fire.
wt dances around the "false prophet" question by deliberately ignoring it.
This week's meeting deals with that term in "jesus's" end time prophecy. with Silence, on 1914, 1925, 1975. but here is an example of false wt projections:
"Great tribulation will be cut short for the sake of the "chosen ones" " aka partakers. in order for some, [their] " flesh to be saved." but:
latest wt "new light" is: Partakers will be going to heaven at the outset of the GT, their flesh will not be saved, but disposed off by angels. the lives of Other Sheep are in peril, need a shorter tribulation. so:
Doctrinally, prophetically, wt has already dug it's own grave, as described in Revelation. "speaking for Jehovah" as they claim.