I would like to ask a question freely to anyone, just to get a feel for those I eccounter in life and be able to meet with them through empathy.
Those who spent time with this organization, did you ever feel any sense of wisdom coming from it at all? When I mean wisdom I mean in a truly sensible manner not the illusion of it.
Were there any teachings that would manifest in you respecting your self and your thoughts, as well as others, being able to detect reasonable behavior and detect teachings which promote moderate actions with others? Anything to harvest justfying thoughts are behaviors with others? Or was it all elements that harvest a thoughts of inferiority?
How would describe the sort of breathe or energy that moved through the organization as a whole? Ignorance? Fear? Anger? Apathy? Confusion? How have these things transformed over the years.
Studying this org I think it is conceptually at its weakest point, regardless of its longevity in mere existence. One of its strenghts was the fact that its heads were behind a curtain, now that the veil is lifted, there is little room for simply being fooled or making an erroneous choice in dealing with them.
Are many people lingering hoping that the house can be fixed?
To me, if the foundation of the house is poor there is no way to salvage it, the problem is at the root, but the root is usually hidden from sight, now the root is exposed to see and evaluate, the people have a choice to make.