I'm doing research that points to Jerusalem's destruction by the Babylonians occurring around the year 403 BCE.
One day, I'm going to publish what I've been blessed to find.
Ezekiel and Daniel seem to have been written during the Babylonian exile, and Esther and Nehemiah during the subsequent Persian rule.
The books were written to chastise and encourage the Jewish people who looked forward to restoration to their homeland.
This is all the input I have for now.
I love the 137th psalm.
Here it is in its entirety from The Message Bible.
Psalm 137
1 Alongside Babylon's rivers we sat on the banks; we cried and cried, remembering the good old days in Zion.
2 Alongside the quaking aspens we stacked our unplayed harps;
3 That's where our captors demanded songs, sarcastic and mocking: "Sing us a happy Zion song!"
4 Oh, how could we ever sing God's song in this wasteland?
5 If I ever forget you, Jerusalem, let my fingers wither and fall off like leaves.
6 Let my tongue swell and turn black if I fail to remember you, If I fail, O dear Jerusalem, to honor you as my greatest.
7 God, remember those Edomites, and remember the ruin of Jerusalem, That day they yelled out, "Wreck it, smash it to bits!"
8 And you, Babylonians - ravagers! A reward to whoever gets back at you for all you've done to us;
9 Yes, a reward to the one who grabs your babies and smashes their heads on the rocks!