I've set up a new facebook page

by JeffT 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • JeffT

    I have created a new face book page “Jthomasbooks.” This will serve as a place for me to advertise my writing and provide a convenient forum for your feedback regarding my work. Please feel free to friend me at that face book page to see announcements about what I'm doing.

    It will link to my blog, where I've added an article about the lack of transparency in the Watchtower's finances.


  • Magnum
    Thanks. Will check it out.
  • LevelThePlayingField

    Much needed, especially now with the org promised the $700 million from Jared. I bet this won't make any news on JW.org news site. And when they finally get the money from the sale they won't put the missionaries back into the field, nor will they disclose how the money will be spent. Well maybe, just maybe they'll give a vague one liner about how they will put it to good use on much needed maintenance on buildings globally and KH construction.

    Yeah, right. Go get' em Jeff.

  • stillin
    I won't get hijacked and joined up with some cult if I friend you, will I?

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