Years ago I read a poem to do with WW3
The last lines as I remember:
"Satan sat on Primrose Hill his scarlet wings unfurled
Looking out over the charnel house of the world,
And he laughed:
"Behold the work of man who was made in the image of God!!"
Question- If I made a washing machine or car or airplane that exploded if someone pressed the wrong button who would be resposible - me or the button pusher??
Specifically why did God create creatures with the potential for so much cruelty and evil if they pushed the wrong button?
Isaac Asimov thought of these things and gave us the ideas in the Robot stories of sentient creations unable to harm others.
Annie Dillard in "Tinker at Pilgrim Creak" speaks of the mercy of humans who will save a helpless turtle on its back where no god would lift a finger. What about the composer's words (Michael Tippett) Approximate quote - " I imagine a salvation no god can imagine: to heal to love." (heal and love those humans who find it impossible to believe in fairy tales.)
Who will heal the likes of Ravyn, or myself, or others consumed by RAGE?
I am more and more seeing why Bhuddism has no history of hate wars. Everybody can just be themselves...