This month makes 26 years since I disassociated from the WT org. I have not visited a KH or Assembly Hall once since. That includes NO Memorial Attendance.
The WT is a Christian turn-off. Sure, the WT groups me with the arrogant, unfaithful ones. I don't care. What matters to me more is that "truth" prevails over peddling fiction. The shunning practice as promoted by the WT must be one of the worst things that anyone could do to a human. I was not disfellowshiped. I just quit the Borg. Even so, my large family disowns me.
From any standard, leaving a religion by one's will should not be punished as a crime. Those who deserted Christ were not harassed afterwards. Were they? There is no record anywhere that Jehovah or Jesus forces one to stay with his people if they should choose not to. But this... no more family social dealing as a punishment (which they paint as doing you a favor). BAD! BAD! BAD!