ExoMars Arrival - Schiaparelli

by TheWonderofYou 9 Replies latest social current

  • TheWonderofYou

    16 October: Separation of Schiaparelli from TGO at 14:42 GMT / 16:42 CEST
    17 October: TGO orbit-raising manoeuvre at 02:42 GMT / 04:42 CEST
    19 October: TGO Mars orbit insertion and Schiaparelli entry, descent and landing on Mars (atmospheric entry expected 14:42 GMT / 16:42 CEST, landing 14:48 GMT / 16:48 CEST)




    I am curious.

  • TheWonderofYou
  • TheWonderofYou

    Only short time!



    19 October – landing and arriving at Mars
    Live coverage of ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter arrival and Schiaparelli landing on Mars will begin with ourFacebook Live Social TV programme (also streamed on Livestream.com) 13:00–15:15 GMT / 15:00–17:15 CEST on 19 October.

    The ESA TV programme will be broadcast on this page in two parts on 19 October:

    15:44–16:59 GMT / 17:44–18:59 CEST
    18:25–20:03 GMT / 20:25–22:03 CEST


    Real time simulation


  • TheWonderofYou

    Landing on Mars is imminent. Already LIVE transmission from ESA Headquarter

    The ESA TV programme will be broadcast on this page in two parts on 19 October:

    15:44–16:59 GMT / 17:44–18:59 CEST
    18:25–20:03 GMT / 20:25–22:03 CEST


  • TheWonderofYou

    Hi cosmonauts!

    The orbiter is in best shape today but the landing modul Schiaparelli could be lost, It was a test landing modul, the date of descent could be measured and were sent to earth.

    The data have been partially analysed and confirm that the entry and descent stages occurred as expected, with events diverging from what was expected after the ejection of the back heat shield and parachute. This ejection itself appears to have occurred earlier than expected, but analysis is not yet complete.
    The thrusters were confirmed to have been briefly activated although it seems likely that they switched off sooner than expected, at an altitude that is still to be determined.
    “Following yesterday’s events we have an impressive orbiter around Mars ready for science and for relay support for the ExoMars rover mission in 2020,” said Jan Wörner, ESA’s Director General.


    The orbiter has to to yet some import tasks. Even if the landing modul Schiaprellis lost much success !


    The Orbiter will be used to investigate trace gases with the following scientific objectives:

    Deliver a detailed characterisation of the Martian atmosphere's composition.
    This includes mapping the distribution of trace gases, identifying their sources and sinks, and studying geographical and temporal variability.

    The first scientific goal will be to detect a broad suite of atmospheric trace gases, and key isotopologues (molecules that have at least one atom with a different number of neutrons than the parent molecules), to establish the atmospheric inventory.

    Following a positive detection of key species, geographical (location and altitude) and seasonal mapping will be carried out. Mapping of the Deuterium/Hydrogen ratio will also be performed, to provide new information on water reservoirs and atmospheric escape.

    A third goal is characterising the state of the atmosphere, in particular temperatures, aerosols, water vapour, and ozone. The data assimilation technique adopted by the science team will allow them to model the atmospheric circulation. This will help determine whether particular gases are emanating from specific areas on Mars and to provide insights into the nature of the trace gas source.

    Imaging of surface features

    Another important objective is to image and to characterise features on the Martian surface which may be related to trace gas sources. The data should provide information on the geological and dynamical context (such as volcanism) for any sources detected.

    Mapping of subsurface hydrogen

    The final objective is to map the subsurface hydrogen to a depth of one metre, with a resolution ten times better than previous measurements.


    The Trace Gas Orbiter, manufactured in Europe, will carry a science payload of four instruments:

    NOMADNadir and Occultation for MArs Discovery
    NOMAD combines three spectrometers, two infrared and one ultraviolet, to perform high-sensitivity orbital identification of atmospheric components, including methane and many other species, via both solar occultation and direct reflected-light nadir observations.
    Principal Investigator: Ann Carine Vandaele, Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy, Belgium
    Co-Principal Investigator: José Lopez Moreno, Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Spain
    Co-Principal Investigator: Giancarlo Bellucci, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Italy
    Co-Principal Investigator: Manish Patel, The Open University, United Kingdom
    Participating countries: Belgium, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada.
    ACSAtmospheric Chemistry Suite
    This suite of three infrared instruments will help scientists to investigate the chemistry and structure of the Martian atmosphere. ACS will complement NOMAD by extending the coverage at infrared wavelengths, and by taking images of the Sun to better analyse the solar occultation data.
    Principal Investigator: Oleg Korablev, Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow, Russia
    CaSSIS – Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System
    A high resolution camera (5 metres per pixel) capable of obtaining colour and stereo images over a wide swathe. CaSSIS will provide the geological and dynamical context for sources or sinks of trace gases detected by NOMAD and ACS.
    Principal Investigator: Nicolas Thomas, University of Bern, Switzerland
    Participating countries: Switzerland, Italy, Poland
    FREND – Fine Resolution Epithermal Neutron Detector
    This neutron detector will map hydrogen on the surface down to a metre deep, revealing deposits of water-ice near the surface. FREND’s mapping of shallow subsurface water ice will be up to 10 times better than existing measurements.
    Principal Investigator: Igor Mitrofanov, Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow, Russia
    Next article: NOMAD - Nadir and Occultation for MArs Discovery >

    Last Update: 25 July 2016

  • prologos

    Thewonderofyou, you must be passionate about the space flights. Like in all flight, it is the landings that matter most, One of Mars' moons is Phobos He stays up there, like the gas orbiter, having the phobia of hard landings?

  • bohm

    That's what you get for naming your spaceship Scrappelli.

  • prologos

    not to minimise or ridicule the achievement. great work. Even a rogue awake writer once suggested we would expand the paradise to other worlds too. but landing techniques should become standardized by now: the russians landed a rover on the moon early, ? Bezos and Musk are trying out their landing on barges and first stage rockets back on earth, more landings on asteroids, comets are planned, so, having personally heard the reassuring supersonic double bang of the shuttle returning, (and not), I hope they get their act together, before humans have to stake their lives on the self driving Mars re-entry vehicles. hopefully not doing a schia-pareille-oi

  • prologos

    so, it was the software programs not talking to each other softly. landing altitude radar not understood by braking rocket control ; --babel language confusion still at work?

  • TheWonderofYou

    Thats a challenge for software-sustainabilty and rocket engineers. Perhaps Schiaparelli was missing a 2 or 3 fold parallel signalling and control systems which could have done a countercheck like in navigation systems, but if the rocket braked only a second emergency parachute could have spared it from that crashlanding.

    Let us hope that soon Elon Musk (Tesla, SpaceX Solarcity, PayPal & Openal) will set his ITS Interplenatary transport system in motion.

    ....and Schiaparelli RIP... later generations will visit your landing place, you had pioneer-spirit




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