On a recent visit to our capital..such an adrenalin rush when I rounded a corner and spotted carters !!
Wandered slowly over and pretend to be interested..asked could I take mag...initial impression (and I'm in no way snobbish) was 2 scruffy looking dowdy sisters wich irritated me I don't know why....I was allways struggling as a single mum but refused to look like a tramp!!
Sister jumped asked if I was interested in religion I said no too much abuse etc ...she said she undwrstood and went on to blather about Catholic abuse scandal!!pointed me to jw. Orgy on back of mag...told me about download videos etc...I said oh I saw a video of ur leader
Oh she said all excited was it on jw land?
Me no he was being interviewed by royal commision....😂about abuse hidden by ur lot
I should watch it says me....she seemed to not take it in....