The US government is providing financial funds for "faith based entities" I wonder if watchtower has there hand out for these funds?
Covid virus usa government help
by greenhornet 6 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I’m sure
the girl next door
Link to information?
Tax exempt institutions would receive little to no funding from the federal government. Guidlines for behavior of faith based entities have been published. Most are adhering some are not.
What are the rules on funding religious activity with Federal money?
The United States Supreme Court has said that faith-based organizations may not use direct government support to support "inherently religious" activities. Basically, it means you cannot use any part of a direct Federal grant to fund religious worship, instruction, or proselytization. Instead, organizations may use government money only to support the non-religious social services that they provide. Therefore, faith-based organizations that receive direct governmental funds should take steps to separate, in time or location, their inherently religious activities from the government-funded services that they offer.
faith-based organizations may not use direct government support to support "inherently religious" activities.
the girl ...
Is looking out for someone's long term eternal life an "inherently religious" activity?
Don't bet against some "logic" like that.
Rub a Dub
the girl next door
touchéHaircuts, manicures, and dermal fillers are also considered essential to most in need. Get in line. Even god suffers during a pandemic. -
i'm watching a live feed now from the white house. this is where it was mentioned
WT and the JW's will be the first in line, so that satan's world can help them out. First thing my spouse and I said when we heard this