Was bored this afternoon and surfing the T.V. I turned on TLC and they had this show called "What Not To Wear". Well I used to enjoy TLC but lately they have been putting these crappy "make over" shows. I am just wondering who watches this garbage? Do people like to get trashed and insulted form an egotistical idiot? I just wondered who died and made them God? I have seen their choice in fashion and I wouldn't even put some of their stuff on my pet dog. I mean I could say more but I better stop well I am ahead. Anyway I posted to TLC site. I don't expect getting a response back but here's what I said:
Who died and made that know-it-all Wayne God? I can only stand watching about 30 seconds of him before I want to barf. Who watches this crap?? Someone with an I.Q. of a potato? When is TLC going back to the quality shows like history or detective programs. Please TLC do us all a break and scratch those egotistical morons off the air.
Anway just wondering what others thought?