I came across this little tidbit on the United States Postal Rate Commission web site: http://www.prc.gov/documents.asp?docid=26246
They reference a legal brief ( http://www.prc.gov/docs/26/26246/watchtower-brief.pdf) filed by the WTBTS where the Brooklyn Boys want their postal rates to stay as cheap as possible. The brief is full of technical details, but there is one sentence of note early on in the document. The WTBTS says "... our literature is distributed for free to all who wish to read it".
So if for some reason you want to get a subscription to the WT/Awake, the WTBTS can't refuse on the basis that you're not worthy. As long as you can convincingly demonstrate that you really do want to receive it(regardless of the reason), they have to send it. Else, they risk losing their bulk mailing permits and maybe have a charge of perjury as well.