FOLLOW THE MONEY WatchTower style
by TerryWalstrom 8 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Wow just wow
The financial transactions of early WatchTower days are quite interesting and often flabbergasting. You can hunt down these documents online with a little persistence. They make for interesting reading.
For example: -
Introvert 2
Amazing Terry, good links have seen the latter one before thanks ! Are there any more available from the source of first link ?
Too bad Russell didn't put his money and energy into something more positive to humanity, his eventful folly of bible interpretations turned into the JW religion costing humanity millions of lives with the WTS's constructed corrupt lying doctrines.
Great read! Where is part 2?
Part 2 is in the oven.
Introvert 216 hours ago
Amazing Terry, good links have seen the latter one before thanks ! Are there any more available from the source of first link ?
_______________________________If you start at the beginning and work you way through these, a congruent BIG PICTURE emerges which brings it all into focus.
I got sidetracked on Part II today, writing two other things instead.
As Scarlett O'Hara was fond of saying, "Tomorrow is another day."