Sophia and Caleb videos helped wake me up

by Sevan 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sevan

    So the Sophia and Caleb videos on where the parents emotionally abuse their children (especially the Sparlock/Obey Jehovah video and the Pay Attention at the Meetings/death threat video) were real eye openers for me.

    Previous to these videos, I was able to delude myself that the crazy, unbalanced behavior I noticed in some Witness parents was the result of their own mental issues. Now I realize this craziness is being pushed and encouraged from the tippy top, from the grand ole maleficent seven.

    My step-kid's bio mom is a lot like the crazy controlling hyper uptight and unbalanced mom in the Sophia and Caleb videos. She's worse of course because she's also a double life-living, hypocritical, pathologically lying narcissist. But yeah, she's given my step-kids insane guilt trips over stuff my husband and I let them watch (My Little Pony, Transformers, Pokemon, Beauty and the Beast, Frozen, etc) and related toys we bought them. I have always been so annoyed about this because my step-kids would be in tears with guilt after their mom lit into them and then wouldn't want to play with hundreds of dollars of toys that we bought them that they were super excited about and asked us to get them before their crazy mom guilt-tripped them. I have always told the kids that Jehovah cares a lot more about how kind, loving and considerate they are than what TV shows and movies they watch.

    Now I know that their crazy mom has just been following orders from the Borg and I am the one that was never properly assimilated.

    Anyway, just saying, the Sophia and Caleb videos are one of the many things that added up to help open my eyes. So the GB can blame themselves for that one. These videos are back firing.

  • steve2

    You're right Sevan. The mentality on display in the Sophia and Caleb videos makes it clear that the organization itself encourages judgmental, very narrow views on common, ordinary things that children enjoy. Without the videos, we may have concluded that it is only a few hard core JWs in local congregations that are extreme in their views - but the videos suggest otherwise.

  • Saename
    steve2 - Without the videos, we may have concluded that it is only a few hard core JWs in local congregations that are extreme in their views - but the videos suggest otherwise.

    Yeah... When I was still active as an unbaptised publisher, I believed that all the complaints I heard about the Jehovah's Witnesses were just individual cases that were not common in the organisation at all. This was because I didn't watch any of the videos on the website, and I also never cared about the JW Broadcasting. Whenever I was asked whether I've seen the latest episode, I would just say, "Yes," and then I would offer some random, general "insight" that could apply to literally everything.

    Then I started researching the religion because I heard about the child sexual abuse problem, and my eyes were opened. I began to watch some of the videos and JW Broadcasting episodes, and I was sooooo surprised to see the stupidity in those "important lessons in the time of the end."

  • DJS


    Great OP. Thank you. I came to the same conclusions simply by observing my 2 beautiful children and the world around me.

    If the Sophia and Caleb videos had existed I'm sure they would have sped up the process.

    Well done.

  • DesirousOfChange

    When they said they wanted Sophia's ice cream money, it was one of the final straws for my elderly diehard Mom and Aunt that led to them cutting off any donations to NY/WT.

    Way to go WT/GB!


  • Sevan

    Yeah, I forgot about that one DesirousOfChange. I was completely disgusted when I saw that too. They are literally stealing candy, or in this case ice cream, from babes.

  • Sevan

    Come to think if it, with all the talks, videos and literature that made me mad over the years, all the unbiblical and pharasaical nonsense, it is absolutely amazing I stayed in as long as I did. I just didn't know where else to go.

    Tony Morris's "tight pants" talk and the anti critical-thinking talk at the 2012/2013? convention are a couple of the many "holy shit, I think I might be in a cult" moments for me. But the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back for me was the shunning video at this year's convention. I could no longer delude myself that the evil extreme shunning I saw some Witnesses practicing toward their family was the result of imperfect humans in the congregation. I could no longer maintain the fantasy that the GB was going to correct this nonsense and come out with more loving directions. I now realize that the rank and file originate nothing. This sick and twisted behavior comes from the top down. There is no Holy Spirit directing these men. Just thirst for power, status and money.

  • Vidiot

    I still think the funniest thing about them was Sparlock.

    That little guy had WT loyalists everywhere staunchly denouncing the video as having been created by apostates to "make JWs look bad"...

    ...only to see it premiere at that summer's Convention. :laughing:

  • Heaven

    I so love it when their sh!t backfires on them. Buwahahahaha!

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Sophia & Caleb videos.... can we say "conTROLLLLLing"!?

    No "my little pony"? My niece, never a JW, had her JW grandparents visit, they showed her that Sparlock video, and in just one day, they had her afraid of her toys!

    If ice cream cones are $1, and all JWs gave $1 a day, that's $8 million a day! GB's have fancy suits, fly first class, eat out.

    I saw a video of a boy who told his story at a convention, of how he sold his 4-H calf, just to donate to the Society for Warwick, while the WT spends $4,000 a day to pay the court because they don't want to obey the law! Made me cry....

    No make believe? The Society puts that green blobby thing in the background in that one video.... Scary!

    I'm glad they made those videos... you get to see the mentality of the WT very easily! Thank you Borg!

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