UK, Modern Slavery Act 1915

by Half banana 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    I have just had a glitch in logging in to my bank account. The consequence of which was to start from scratch and re-register. On doing so I looked at the small print and noted that the bank was obliged to include a passage on the Modern Slavery Act of 2015. The purpose of which is not simply to avoid and exclude complicity with human trafficking but to treat all customers, staff and business partners with appropriate human consideration and dignity. For businesses with an income of £36 million (a bit more than mine!) it is necessary to make an annual statement declaring one's method of addressing the act.

    Once again the cavalier Watchtower Bible and Tract Society/ JW Organisation fall far short of this secular requirement. Their attitude is one of gross arrogance based on their insubstantial belief that they are chosen by the Almighty as his exclusive mouthpiece.

    The point I make is that the world, at least in the UK, increasingly becomes more compassionate and considerate of the welfare of all. Various government acts including the other recent one on domestic abuse , which is being finalised at the moment show how good government equals care of the needs of the people.

    The Domestic Abuse Bill has been in force for a couple of years and proscribes physical and emotional abuse of others, and prohibits the cross examination of the abused by the abuser. (Perhaps they learned this from the negative aspects of JW "Theocratic principles").

    The JW organisation does not care about individuals! It practices systemic abuse of its followers in limiting their rights, education time and self worth. Wearing a blindfold of literal interpretation of the Bible, it looks and sounds more and more outdated and wedded to the past. It has no useful future.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Sorry good people, I got called away before editing properly...Title should have read 2015 not 1915. 1915 is the time frame in which the WT is still stuck.

  • kramer

    No, it’s just because they don’t because it ISN’T a requirement, they aren’t legally obliged to do so. Many charities voluntarily publish a policy, CCofJW chooses not to.

  • kramer

    And the Domestic Abuse Bill doesn’t cover religious coercion, it’s family matters , primarily in the Family Court.

  • Diogenesister

    Half Banana don’t worry.

    The kids who are the adults of tomorrow will not tolerate such behavior from their faith. Watchtower will soon have zero followers as youngsters are far more aware of things such as modern slavery etc

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