1 April 2017 - a new book has been released today titled "Exit to life: How I stopped being a Jehovah's Witness"
The three-part structure of the work on the basis of his first names - I. Konja, II. Simon, III. Konja Simon - appears to be banal at first sight, but, on closer examination, especially when reading the text it develops a chronological theme. The long chapter "Konja" covers the entire Jehovah epoch from birth, childhood, youth to adulthood. There are oppressive passages about so-called brainwashing and physical chastisement measures as legitimate methods of education, as well as the shattering suicide of his elder brother Jorim, who cruelly kills himself.
With the chapter "Simon" Rohde rings the entrance into the exit. Simon was his second assignment, because the Duisburger registry office of the year 1976 was of the opinion that Konja could not be attributed clearly to the male gender. So his parents had to give him a second first name. At the beginning of the third chapter, "Konja Simon", it says in the book: "Now it is a little complicated with my names. The people who knew me before my departure know me under the name 'Konja' and the ones to which I afterwards I met a woman who, when she heard of my former name, began to call me 'Konja Simon', I liked that somehow ... (...) Ultimately, anyone can help me As he likes, chief, he greets me and speaks to me. "