Hey guys,
I'm glad we're all on here because we're all united in our realization and acceptance about the truth about the Watchtower Society.
I'm going to share my thoughts about the WTS because I feel like this needs to go out there, if not just for the personal satisfaction of getting this out of my system. So here it comes, and if you all have some indignation about the WTS to get off your system, please share them by posting as well!
1) Tomo III belongs in a jump suit behind bars locked up in a federal prison for being a dangerous lunatic. Hey, you don't need to directly kill or murder people to be dangerous to the public. You can be just spreading dangerous practices that have no biblical basis at all that puts people's lives in danger because of your crazy beliefs. Tomo III is just as much a threat to the society as that crazy freeway shooter, it's just that his threat is subtle, disguised behind the name of religion. Check out JWsurvey article on crazy Tomo praising a ten year boy for refusing the medical treatment he needed to live - http://jwsurvey.org/cedars-blog/21st-century-christian-martyrdom-tony-morris-praises-jw-boy-who-died-refusing-blood
2) I can't and will never be able to fathom at the selfishness of JWs who shun their own flesh and blood. I'm guessing that at the core of them buying into this whole crazy shunning their family is the greed to take a piece of that paradise earth, which they don't realize is just a sham. Greed to the point of cruelly shunning their own moms and dads, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, etc.
3) A JW's arrogance has no bounds. To feel superior while one isn't is borderline mental.
4) The clowns that make up the Governing Body are just that - clowns. It's amusing, if not sad, at how these baffoons are practically worshipped by the JWs and are believed by the JWs to be future rulers in the new system. You can only imagine, well thank goodness, it's only imaginery, what the new system will be like with these baffoons running the show. Women in the new system wearing burkas covering their whole bodies from head to toe don't seem like such a far fetched idea!
5) If the new earth was true, which it isn't, then it will be much like the idiosyncratic nation of communist North Korea! No kidding!