All in all, an excellent article and summary of the proceedings, but I think there's still something that a lot of folks who report on this stuff tend to miss regarding the WTS's secrecy policies.
Yes, the Org has crafted them to keep the larger public and secular legal systems in the dark to preserve their own carefully polished public image, in order to keep recruitment up and minimize court actions in the short term...
...far more importantly, I think, is the long-term goal of keeping the true scope of the problem - that the Org's so-called "Biblical" ideology, worldview, and policies have actually made it pervasive, institutionalized, and endemic - from becoming a matter of public record (yes, the piece did mention the "public record" thing, but only in passing).
Why is that such a potential problem for the WTS?
Because once that happens - particularly if said public record includes self- and Org-damning admissions made by high-ranking WT reps - it becomes way, way harder for local elders (or any JW, really) to refute or dismiss them as "apostate-driven lies" when questioned by the rank-and-file...
...which cannot help but - ultimately - severely undermine said rank-and-file's confidence in the Org's claim that it's "God's Exclusive Earthly Organization", because, jeezus, how can it not???
Personally, I suspect that the GB would literally sell their souls to avoid that, because that could not help but eliminate the only real incentive for all but the most rabid hard-core loyalists to stay.
And while I believe that the WT leadership does indeed want to downsize the membership to said hard-core loyalists and/or proportional to the current downsizing of it's actual physical assets...
...they definitely wouldn't want to do so too quickly, in order to save face and keep it manageable (remember, deep down, all authoritarian regimes fear mass exoduses... even when there's no real danger of them actually happening).
Just my opinion.