Laughing my A-off watching the comedian Lewis Black and he mention what Carson said, and I thought surely old Ben didn't say that. I B- damn, he said it. Black said " he said this in front of a lot of people and I'am surprise no one came up to him and said Ben, you must come with us now"...
Amateurs built the Ark, professionals built the Titanic...Ben Carson
by James Mixon 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
I love Lewis Black comedy, Mr Angry.
Carson is a real tool. The footage of him waiting to come on stage at one of the first debates just cracks me up whenever I see it.
Any links to these ? I need a good laugh
James Mixon
smiddy:Try this,,,Lewis Black:Black to the future
What's this guy all about? Does he say amateurs should perform brain surgery too instead of professional surgeons?
keyser soze
And this is a guy everyone on the right views with such reverence. Every word out of his mouth is gospel.
Ben Carson must have one of those minds where he learns something and it is embedded as fact. He learns how to do surgery and he's good at it. He learns that the fundamentalist view is real and he embraces it.