I have seen comments by JW's who support the notion that thier is a group of "special men" like Russell that Jehovah has selected to write down the "inspired" thoughts through Watchtower and Awake and other publications.
First of all, the Bible tells us that God "cannot lie" and every "inspired utterances are true". That being the case, how can the truth of God originate in lies by a man, Russell who was heavily involved in the occult.? Why is it that virtually all of these "inspired" publications replaced with 'New Light" or revised "truth"? Why don't these special men get it right when they write these"inspired" thoughts from God?. Or does he keep changing his mind every time??? Why does he "inspire them to constantly re-write thier own history, and call those who question lie of their history "disloyal"? How come the issue of rape keeps changing like the wind in all of thier publications? Why is the "watchtower" symbol of the organization, rooted in the occult as many of the teachings and symbols of Russell? Why does the Watchtower Organization use Lawyers to lie in it's behalf to fight sexual abuse accusations by victims, Why does Watchtower send it's lawyers to court go file briefs as "friends of the court" when other religions of "Babylon the Great" try go protect rights for molesters?
If anyone can add more questions to JW's for answers, please do. It boggles my mind how JW's continually blindly fight these facts and still believe this is a religion "inspired" by God. And why did Watchower writers, if they are led by Holy Spirit to write what are the true inspired expressions of God, change the meanings of words in the New World Translation? I have researched all of these questions when I and my family were faced with the WT lying to us in an effort to protect a pedophile. Initially it was the sex abuse issue that made me stop attending meetings but it was the questions and research that made me know they were never the true religion, but nothing more that false teachers claiming to be Christian. I no longer read the New World Translation and it's twisted meanings. I wish more of you JW's would "examine your religion" as brought out in the "Truth Book" that they used to use to study with worldlings. If the WT Society had to measure itself today according to the specifications on "Identifying the True Religion, as brought out in that publication, they would never succeed in shining as the "True Religion"