Just in case anyone needed this.
2020-March-Announcements And Reminders
by Atlantis 7 Replies latest jw friends
Just in case anyone needed this.
2020-March-Announcements And Reminders
Organized corruption of an organization that full of lies and corruption.
Complete and functioning with its own corrupt lawyers
Yes, an accurate description!
No mention of coronavirus? Really?
In an emergency, the durable power of attorney (DPA) card may be printed by elders from jw.org.—sfl chap. 11
Printing an empty DPA in an emergency doesn't make any sense, because that seems to be a little too late...
So does this mean all DPA that the publishers handed over to their elders were uploaded to JWorg?
Shepherd the Flock chap 11 doesn't mention this specifically.
Anyone have any info on this?
And what`s this London Special Preaching Campaign all about ? That you have to be invited to .Any ideas ?
And why does this apply only to London ?
I know they love using this word special when there is nothing special about it in the first place ...but ?
Thanks again Atlantis.
@ Slim: maybe the cult is hoping for a sudden windfall - countless legacies being grabbed in 2020 thanks to the coronavirus prematurely ending the lives of many older JW's who've named the cult in their wills.
They are so worried about people taking blood that they "need" a whole paragraph on that alone. I think more would be gained by simple safety, so people wouldn't "need" blood at all. I would rather avoid the incident leading to the blood transfusion in the first place instead of taking or avoiding taking blood. This includes going in field circus when you are too tired or conditions are too dangerous to do it safely. They need to get more exercise than going door to door while they are in their 20s and 30s to prevent problems that could come up in their later years, and they need better sources of income than the rubbish jobs they are allowed to take.
And what about adapting to the coronavirus situation? They need to worry about what happens if someone picks that (or tuberculosis) up at a door, spreads it through the whole congregation (and now even circuit or district), and then spreads it through the territory door to door. I bet they will be placing more cases of coronavirus in the upcoming months than anything else.
Also, they need to stop donating to the washtowel and use the money to prepare (if they still can, and while they still can). How many of them lack as much as a small jar of extra peanut butter or a small bag of rice or legumes? They should also start taking supplements (our food is shamefully deficient). How many are taking so much as a 500 mg daily tablet of vitamin C?
Even I have been suspending my silver stacking to free up more money for this. I already have plenty of silver for when the dollar becomes toilet paper, and if this crisis resolves and I have excess funds, I will start back with silver as soon as it clears (and, if I have more funds, I will get more silver at that time). I have been getting supplements to support my immune system, along with food (and it is balanced between bulk items and organic). Beyond my usual vitamins, I have echinacia, oregano oil, schisandra berry powder, elderberry syrup, and lycopene to help my immune system do its job properly. These supplements are expensive, but not as expensive as a hospital stay in ICU. (Besides the 50 ct bottle of ibuprofen, just in case I do get sick (coronavirus or not) and need it.)
Now, if I can cut out frivolous spending for a time so I can prepare my immune system for a potential crisis and get enough food and supplies to endure a 8-14 week quarantine/shortage period, then why can't these jokehovian witlesses cut out these stupid wastes of gas and donations toward their own enslavement to prepare? (Besides not getting the virus at the door and then spreading it through the territory.) If they had been doing that during the whole of February up to now, they would have enough to not have to resort to communism within the congregation to survive. That is what I will tell them (in German, of course) if they hound me to donate my supplies to their communal supply--were they to prepare instead of spreading coronavirus through the territory, they might not be in this mess.
As for the wastefest on April 7, they ought to just go ahead and cancel it. Any big or grand boasting sessions that fall before the end of July, and that is if the outbreak has resolved, need also to be cancelled for this. Ditto for regular boasting sessions and field circus. If I can suspend silver buying until this resolves, for sure they can suspend the requirement to report time wasted spreading coronavirus (and maybe littera-trash).