As far as I know, sincere JWs are always welcomed here. Even though this site is not pro JW , if someone wants to ask a question or try to understand a point of view, there are many here who over the YEARS have tried to help sincere Witnesses. If I believe someone is here just trying to push buttons, I will either ignore them or actually question their motives. That’s just my opinion of the way we can deal with Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Sincere Jehovah’s Witnesses vs. Insincere Jehovah’s Witnesses
by minimus 7 Replies latest jw friends
We here can sort out the ones who need help and have real questions. Those rest that want to be on a soap box will be called out.
Every once in a while JWs will come by looking for encouragement from other disfellowshipped people or suggestions as to how to get back in the Organization’s favor. Naturally we tell them not to return. 🤙🤙 return to the Organization that is.
Ultimate Axiom
There is also a third group – the deluded. Those who believe they are some kind of modern day prophet, and they come here to spout their visions hoping someone will listen. Although this group is not limited to Jehovah’s Witnesses, those that come here are, or were. This group have a genuine delusion, a genuine mental health problem, but feel free to tell them to fuck off if you want. I believe that’s standard practice for such people on this forum.
Whatever the reason they are here it's a chance to help them wake up. If they are here I assume they have questions, even if they go about asking them in a somewhat unorthodox method.
I would never have purposely come to a site like this when I was a JW. I would have been one of the button pushers if I did. Instead I spouted my BS in some agnostics chat room where I got schooled. No doubt it was because most of them had read something other than the Creation book to back up their claims. I chose the agnostics because you could have a discussion where the atheists seemed just about as dogmatic as the JWs which turned me off.
When I first got here there was a quite a mix of people. Some very pro JW and some not at all and many in the middle. It was a place where we would vent our feelings over the unfairness of the Organization , it’s rules as well as it’s ever changing beliefs. Back then if you said something stupid you would have Farkel call you out on it and humiliate you for your stupidness. Lol though, it seems less JW s are using sites like these “apostate” ones and either doing their own research on the religion or simply decide To stay in the cult for a variety of reasons.
I came to this website to confirm my spider sense about Jwism. It has help me to fade and to never return to abuse of a self serving cult. I hope to plant seeds to help others find "true freedom" not serving a cult but by living a happy fulfilling life that Jwism would like to rob you of.
Once you are on this site I would think it would be very difficult to stay a JW. I guess that’s why I’m surprised when some elders stay here for decades and lead double lives keeping the flock in check while pretending they fight against apostates.