Pokemon GO Witnessing - Gotta Catch 'em All !

by Simon 4 Replies latest social humour

  • Simon

    News just in ...

    As part of an effort to try and get youths enthusiastic about the kingdom ministry service, the Watchtower is releasing it's own "Pokemon GO" style app which will allow anyone with a mobile phone to rush around the neighbourhood looking for an "interested person" who they can scan and collect.

    They think the popularity may even spur pioneers to move faster than shuffling pace in some extreme cases.

    When asked if this was just some kind of cheap gimmick designed to distract people from the fact that the religion never delivered on any of it's more important promises, a spokesman for the Watchtower said "so?"

    We asked whether it was a good idea to allow Elders in the local hall to track the whereabouts of possibly unaccompanied minors and the spokesman replied "oh shiiiiiiit !!!"

  • millie210

    Thats funny!

    The day was, I would have known it was tongue in cheek. Now....I had to read it twice and think....this could be possible soon? LOL

    I put nothing past them these days!

    As a side note, I spent 3 hours playing "Pokemon Go" on Sunday with a 13 year old, It really is a lot of fun.

  • nonjwspouse

    As Millie sad, this org comes up with some doozies,. Adding a pokemon go type app would almost be par for the course.

  • stuckinarut2

    Love it Simon!

    So can we all think of some names for characters or monsters of the witness Pokemon world!??

    instead of pikachu, perhaps pickafight?

  • Saename

    Instead of Jigglypuff it'd be Jehogglyber.

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