Heard in radio abouth Charity organisations. They are not allowed to hoard any money by law. Thats why organisation like scientology church are Always buying buildings. That must mean the organisation is broke if they hade to sell buildings now. What you think?
Selling of KH
by asp59 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
JW GoneBad
asp59: They are not allowed to hoard any money by law.
It would be nice if we could fact-check that!
It would be nice if we could fact-check that!
what....fact check the law or fact check their hoard?
We know Watchtower is perfectly capable of smuggling money using human mules so who knows where their main stashes are. I find it unbelievable in this day and age that tax free charities are not made to produce yearly spreadsheets of all their financial dealings. It’s a licence to scam.