I can’t speak for everyone, but in my experience my whole life as a witness, people, mainly woman , were speaken of very poorly for “commiting fornication”. And everyone was so repulsed by women who wore “revealing” clothes, always saying, “Women wear things like that, or let their daughters go out like that, and then wonder why their raped.” Which makes me want to throw up. If you even got in trouble for a groping session, you were the talk of gossip for weeks, maybe for years if some had it in for you. But when someone out in service would bring up our child abuse policy and how we allow Pedophiles in...no comment, no emotion when we would get back into the car. And when it came to light that an elder in a nearby congregation had molested TWO young girls, and the only consequence was being taken down from being an elder, (which even that doesn’t happen in a lot of congregations), and of course the elders strongly persuaded the family not to tell the police, NO negative comment made by ANYONE, I would hear something along the lines of, oh yeah that’s a hard situation over there, but no disgust shown to the Pedophile. I wonder why they are so cold and emotionless towards such a traumatizing harmful crime, but are so disgusted towards two consenting adults doing their business. I even told a young 19 year old girl, who had sex when she was younger before becoming a witness, about the Australian royal commission and the problem with protecting sex offenders in the org, and she was surprised, but of course like any completely brainwashed Witness went on about imperfection, not knowing all the details, blah blah, and so I said, I don’t understand why an adult who had sex one time many years ago can be disfellowshipped and shunned but someone who molest a child can just have their privledges taken away, and she said, “Well their both VERRRRY SERIOOOS sins!” I was so disgusted, I realize they are programmed to be so cold and calculated, and it honestly disgust me and terrifies me at the same time.
If onlythey had the same attitude towards sex offenders
by Addison0998 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I feel your frustration Addison0998 most J.W`.s let the G.B. do their thinking for them and one day they will regret it.
The world is now becoming more tuned to the extent of sexual abuse against minors in the Jehovah`s Witness organization than ever before and the cover up by Elders to protect Jehovah`s name .
In one Country after another Country .
Justice is SLOW in coming however it is coming against the WTB&TS , and not before time.
One of the biggest Sins of religion in general is the demonization of sex and the human body.
Of course, that mostly deals with the demonization of woman and their sexuality.This has been one of the foremost CONTROL times religion has used to keep people in line for centuries.
JWs are like Mormons and Islam with their attitude about sex and women.
YES! TO BAD they don't actually put that anger toward issues that matter.
Religion is Poison.
addison: If only they had the same attitude towards sex offenders...
I also am somewhat puzzled by the org's attitude towards child sex offenders.
What leaves me scratching my head is how someone can be seen just going into somebody else's house, and if they don't emerge by morning or were "unchaperoned" or something equally silly, that person can be disfellowshipped for adultery (or fornication or porneia or something like that - improper sexual behavior).
And yet...child sex abuse doesn't happen unless two other people saw it actually take place.
Why the different standard?
And here is another thing. Why aren't the married men who commit sexual crimes against children accused of adultery? Have they not had sex outside of the marriage arrangement? Does a JW wife have scriptural grounds for divorce if her husband has been having sex with children?
Let me offer a slight alternative...
if only they treated and viewed pedophiles as they do apostates.
@ OrphanCrow...
I gave this one a lot of thought, too, and came to suspect that a big reason has to do with - as mundane as it seems - manpower.
After the 60 Minutes expose featuring Barb Anderson all those years ago, the WTS released a statement to the effect that "a Brother who has been known to have committed abuse no longer qualifies to serve as an MS or an Elder" (paraphrasing, but that's the gist)...
...a few years later, they ever-so-quietly revoked that restriction, on condition that the offender's actions were not commonly known.
Couple that with the fact that they themselves have - for all intents and purposes - admitted that fewer and fewer "qualified Brothers" are "reaching out" (for a variety of reasons), not to mention that they're never gonna budge on allowing women to fill those roles...
...and you can't help but suspect that they're running out of guys to run the Org at the grassroots level, because the policies enable them to keep the secular authorities and the bulk of the rank-and-file from finding out (i.e. becoming commonly known), so these guys can administer congregations...
...because otherwise, there wouldn't be enough.
(BTW, I've also read anecdotal reports here about DFed guys being "encouraged" to return in order to fast-track towards Eldership.)
And without enough congregation administrators, the Org's ability to properly function - at the grassroots level - would probably be severely hampered...
...which, in turn, could place the Organization at risk.
And that prospect is unacceptable to them.
In JWS mythology woman are alluring harlots that actually started all of mankind's inherent sin.
They are looked down upon in a very demeaning way via the emulation of the ancient Hebrews.
Woman were more or less bought for chattel or possessions of men,
........ie. they weren't even to speak inside temples
In JWS land they aren't given the opportunity to hold microphones or be attendants in Kingdom Halls.
Yes, that was my experience in the JW religion....They have terrible attitudes towards women, with single women getting it worse, IMO. I was never reproved for immorality but yet some morons there acted like I was a potential threat.
I cannot believe I subjected myself to this garbage! Well, live and learn.